Moldovan court decided to leave the Moldovan ex-premier in custody

Chisinau’s district court has refused to release Vlad Filat, Moldova’s former prime minister and the head of the Liberal Democratic Party of Moldova, from...

Can Moldova’s Battered Teens Be Saved From Human Traffickers?

The horror stories lived by young Moldovan girls and boys reflect the traumas of a society on the verge of collapse. The first time it...

Moldovan top prosecutor has resigned for better justice system

Moldova's top prosecutor says he will resign to pave the way for reforms in the former Soviet republic that is mired in political and...

Moldova’s broken system has united pro-European Union and Russian parties

Moldova’s government contends with widespread protests, as citizens grow furious with a system managed by oligarchs, according to Voice of America. Financial supporters from...

“Moldova Times” is the first media to unite Moldova and its diaspora worldwide

The media NGO “Monday Times” has launched the platform, which covers news about the economic, politic and social situation of Moldova with daily...

Poliția atacă un reporter care filma o delegație de la Guvernul din Chisinău sursa: Curaj TV

33 de cetățeni străini au primit refuz de a intra în R. Moldova

În peri­oada 15 – 21 febru­a­rie 2016, flu­xul per­soa­ne­lor care au tra­ver­sat fron­ti­era de stat a con­sti­tuit 273 842 tra­ver­sări, atestându-se o creș­tere de 0,38% în...

A crescut cinci copii, care l-au izgonit din propria casă și intimidat

  Nico­lae Cos­tin, tatăl a cinci copii spune că la bătrâ­nețe a fost dat afară din pro­pria casă. Infor­ma­ția des­pre fap­tul că băr­ba­tul doarme pe...

Political parties in Moldova are still far to commit to financial transparency

During the past years, the Republic of Moldova made important steps to improve political parties’ funding regulations. However, we have several shortcomings in implementing...

Primul moldovean care a urcat pe vârful Everestului

Andrei Carpenco este primul și, deocamdată, singurul moldovean care a reușit să urce Everestul. Datorită lui, Republica Moldova a devenit a 42-a țară din...