Freedom House reports that Moldova is under the influence of powerful businessmen in politics


Freedom House published the annual report about political rights and civil liberties, naming the trend for 2016 “Anxious Dictators, Wavering Democracies: Global Freedom under Pressure”Moldova was ranked with 60 points on a scale from 0 to 100, being labeled as “Partly Free”. The report mentions the reasons for the degradation in the last year:

“Moldova received a downward trend arrow due to new evidence of Government disfunction, including revelations of mass fraud and corruption, and the enormous influence of powerful business men on politics and Governance”. 

Transnistria is also included in the Freedom Report, but with a low score, 24 out of 100.

In 2014, press freedom in Moldova was influenced by the country’s sharp political divisions. Moldova formally signed an Association Agreement with the European Union (EU) in June and held national elections in November, and media outlets generally aligned themselves with specific political parties or interests in their coverage of both events.

The Audiovisual Coordinating Council (CCA) took an increasingly active role in regulating the content of television broadcasts during the year, and the concentration and lack of transparency in media ownership remained key problems.


